September 7 — October 31, 2012
It starts with a molecule. A volatile molecule of smell, airborne, floating
in a pocket of similar molecules; picking up speed, or slowing
down; evaporating, or not just yet. If inhaled – through the nostrils,
or up the back of the mouth – the molecule meets a postage-stampsized
patch of neurons high in the nasal cavity, where hundreds of
smell receptors lie in wait. The molecule acts as a key. If the key fits the
smell-receptor lock, the neuron responds straightaway, dashing off
the molecule’s message via axons to the olfactory bulb, a blueberrysized
structure near the bottom of the brain; next the information
travels to the olfactory cortex. Unlike sight and sound, which require
switchboard stops at the thalamus to be correctly interpreted, smell
offers a straight shot to the subconscious.
What happens next, and later, in the expansive olfactory process –
what happens physiologically, psychologically, socially and culturally
– is the basis of inquiry that motivates Sissel Tolaas’ work. She
constructs synthetic systems of provocative smells in order to explore
questions of perception, communication and context. In 2007, at
Grand Arts, she exhibited swaths of pale paint mixed with synthetic
sweat, reproduced from the sweat of nine men who suffered from
panic attacks. She fills crystal bottles with odors reproduced from the
smells of homeless camps. She makes fancy cheese from human bacteria
Tolaas repackages the medium so that we might reconsider the
message – ideally, with more tolerance this time.
We’ve become hypersensitive to hygiene rather than to the rough
knowledge our collective senses offer (and to be unclean is to be lower
class, third world, poor). For perception we rely primarily on sight,
which necessarily requires distance. Gleaming glass buildings in our
cities, granite kitchen countertops in our homes: These sleek surfaces
imply impenetrability, polish, control. Like the American motel
bathroom, the Western world has been sanitized for your protection
– the equivalent of sensuous death, according to Tolaas. There are
no hiding places; therefore, there is no danger. What you see is what
you get.
Smell undermines this perception. The olfactory is paradoxical, both
our fastest and slowest sense: It depends on fickle messages delivered
on fickle winds, yet the brain interprets those messages faster than
it does with any other sense. Unlike colors or chords, smells cannot
be predictably combined. They cannot be easily measured; odor has
no wavelength. They cannot even be captured, if the molecules dissipate
first. Smells permeate and immerse – even when we sleep, we
smell – but are fleeting, impermanent and ephemeral in their natural
states. If the distance required for eyes to correctly function connotes
rationality, the indefinite fumes and plumes of smell seem mad by
comparison. So: What if we considered smell on its own terms instead?
In the 16th century, Michel de Montaigne published a brief essay in
which he noted the odor-preserving capabilities of his mustache. “If
I bring my gloves or my handkerchief near it,” he wrote, “the smell
will stay there a whole day. It betrays the place I come from. The close
kisses of youth, savory, greedy, and sticky, once used to adhere to it
and stay there for several hours after.” As an image, Montaigne’s mustache
is a useful one. It amuses. It delights. It arouses knowledge we
already have: As smell sticks to mustache, memory sticks to smell.
Hours after a goodbye kiss – hours after, and you’re still in its grip – a
trace floats up, unloosed from shirt or skin, and the essence of the
other, of the morning or afternoon or night, takes fierce hold in the
here and now. How unbearable this effect when said kiss was last in a line:
You drag a hand across swollen eyes – as not to fall off the sidewalk,
as not to be hit by a bus – and the cruel molecules ascend to evict
you from the present and future. You know the trip. The transportive
nature of smell betrays us all.
You couldn’t avoid it if you tried. The olfactory cortex is embedded
in the limbic system and the amygdala and hippocampus, where the
brain stores emotions and memories (and memories of emotions).
Olfaction influences hormone production, too, via the pituitary
gland, and as such affects general bodily function. The molecules
tangle: scent and longing, mind and body, once before and now
again. The information is impossible to separate.
The limbic system is one of our older brain structures, and olfaction,
a primitive sense. It evolved to evoke strong emotions – the tool by
which our ancestors chose to fight or flee, the key by which newborns
first recognize their mothers. In contrast, olfaction has relatively
few direct connections with the youngest part of the brain, the left
neocortex, where language is processed. (Consider as evidence the
fact that we can distinguish among thousands of odors but lack smellspecific
description, instead relying on taste-associated terms or reference
to the smell source itself to narrate our olfactory experience.)
Smell ceded cognitive primacy to sight following the scientific revolution,
possibly in part because smell’s emotional potency precluded
it from the detached impersonality of modern scientific thinking.
But increasing contemporary research points to cognitive factors in
olfactory play.
In the ocular system, when visual receptor neurons in the retina light
upon a face, the information is split three ways: channels for red,
green and blue. But perception of the face is not tri-colored. Sight
is an integrated event, a multi-phase physiological process modified
by current context, past experience and future expectations. Maybe
the cheekbones call to mind a favorite actor. Maybe three years have
passed since you last saw those lips. Maybe the face in question is the
one in the mirror, and it’s really starting to resemble its mother.
Data suggest that odor perception is equally complicated. When a
smell wafts into the nose, we perceive the character of the odor in
terms of intensity, quality and hedonics. Part of that perception is a
function of chemistry. (It starts with a molecule.) Part is a function of
our individual selves. This is what Tolaas’ SmellScape KCK/KCMO project
illustrates: Memory and emotions sway perception, but context, education
and experience bear weight, too.
To begin, Tolaas collected smells from six areas of Kansas City, Mo.,
and Kansas City, Kan. – neighborhoods with deep histories, broad
ethnic traditions and intense smells. She mapped and synthetically
reproduced location-specific odors, abstracting them in the form of
scratch-and-sniff Smell Cards. The project depends on participants
walking unfamiliar streets, cultivating mindfulness of smell as an important
sensory act. If the streets are already familiar, participants are
asked to experience them through an unfamiliar tool: the nose.
Smell permits a rediscovery of environment, Tolaas says, whether that
environment is social, cultural, geographical or otherwise. In her
project statement, she describes the playfulness that emerges when
people engage with her work: Regardless of whether they find a smell
pleasant or unpleasant, they are made suddenly aware of this other,
this more. They perceive their surroundings differently than they had
before. The mood is changed. The mood is improved. Montaigne
noted this of odors, too: “I have often noticed,” he wrote, “that they
make a change in me, and work upon my spirits.”
A more comfortable relationship with smell encourages optimism;
optimism is crucial in remediating the current ecology of the senses.
This logical progression begets the ultimate form of SmellScape KCK/
KCMO: A game.
Though Tolaas has completed similar smell-mapping projects in
Paris, Berlin, Mexico City and elsewhere, Kansas City is the first in
which she so plainly incorporates discovery and fun in the design.
Participants are challenged to explore six neighborhoods on foot –
the medium of the gallery repackaged as the city – as a means to find
and collect the odor-abstracted Smell Cards (which players describe
for additional points). A live map, viewable online and in the gallery,
displays words and images signifying participants’ experiences. Grand
Arts commissioned a custom SmellScape KCK/KCMO mobile app, too,
underscoring both the novelty and seriousness of adopting a new approach
to our oldest sense.
Chemical communication – the means by which Earth’s earliest bacteria
fed and reproduced – has more influence on us than we realize.
Earlier this year, researchers confirmed that humans can identify the
ages of other humans based on differences in body odor. A 2011 study
demonstrated that men who sniffed “unhappy” female tears experienced
decreased levels of sexual arousal and testosterone without ever
witnessing the act of crying. Another revealed that, left unchallenged,
one’s sense of smell withers.
Education can revive the olfactory capacities, Tolaas says. We recall
images with almost 100 percent accuracy within minutes of a visual-recognition test, but precision falls rapidly with time; in
comparison, we distinguish among smells with about 20 percent
accuracy and a year later remember them almost exactly.
More new research indicates that prolonged sensory exposure
to a single odor – about three and a half minutes – immediately
enhances the ability to discriminate among odors in a similar
family. Our sense of smell is both powerful and apt.
Olfaction could provide new ways to interpret environments,
facilitate more sensitive communication, and increase tolerance
of other people and cultures. (Maybe if we trained our olfactory
systems by smelling “negative” odors removed from the
context of their sources, the sources would seem less “negative”
the next time we smelled them.) It could inspire fresh modes
of perception, imagination, navigation, education and beyond.
Consider smell as aesthetic experience. Smell as invisible architecture
and design. Smell as materiality – as a meaning-making
vehicle of its own. To be more conscious of these possibilities,
the first step is a better understanding of reality. To that end,
SmellScape KCK/KCMO encourages thought.
It starts with a molecule. Where it goes next is up in the air.
Annie Fischer
Kansas City, MO
August 2012

Kansas City Municipal Court, City Market, Kansas City Museum, Kansas City Kansas Public Library Main Branch, The Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City Kansas Parks and Recreation, Friends of Kaw Point, Los Tules Food Truck, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Steamboat Arabia Museum, Chinatown Food Market, Al Habashi Mart, Lou Lou’s, Rich’s Wash and Dry, Epic Arts Clay Studio, Dalia’s Belleza Estetica Familiar, Supermart El Torito II, La Michoacana, Hammerpress, Jewelry by Design, and Ed’s Trophies and Awards.
Megan Mantia, Carolina Aranibar Fernandez, Porter Arneill, Anthony Baab, Christopher Barnickel, Bob Berkebile, Elizabeth Bowman, Meghan Buum, Mike Calwell, Lisa Harper Chang, Chief and family, Steve Curtis, D’anthony, Rachel Elits, José Faus, Annie Fischer, Elaine and Juan Flores, Steve Fronz, Garrett Fuselier, Patricia B. Glenn, Daniel Goggin, Christopher Good, Ahmed Habashi, Moody Habashi, Jeff Harshbarger, Bob Hawley, Flo Hawley, David Hawley, Linda Keys, Maiko Kuzunishi, Christopher Leitch, Carol Levers, Christopher Lineberry, Ed Linnebur, Cheryl Love, Lauren Lyon, Les Makovec, Jenny Mendez, Andrew Mouzin, Charlie Mylie, Kevin Ong, Joseph Ozbolt, Crystal Pacheco, Shaya Patrick, Shae Plattenburg, Michael Pronko, David Remley, Giray Rich, Beth Sarver, Christian Schlimok, Mike Schmelzle, Rebecca Schroeder, Sina Schwarz, Todd Shalom, Cris Siebenlist, Octavio Sosa, T.B.’s Hair Design, Caleb Taylor, Salvador and Maria Tule, T2, Dalia Velazquez, Emily Vowiell, Margie Witt, Linda Wolford.

"Take a Whiff of KC" Fox 4 News, September 7, 2012.
"'SmellScape' Encourages Nost-First Exploration" By Laura Spencer, KCUR, September 14, 2012.
"Artist Exhibits a Scent of Adventure" By Alice Thorson, Kansas City Star, September 5, 2012.
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